8:00 AM
9:30 AM
11:00 AM

In a word- NO. Less than half of our church attenders come from a Baptist background. Green Valley is a Bible-based church. We teach, preach, and train ourselves to live out the truth of Scripture in our everyday lives. Our focus is for us all to be followers of Christ.
We dress casual. We believe that what a person looks like on the outside is not nearly as important as what is on the inside. At Green Valley, you will see blue jeans, khakis, skirts, suits and even shorts. Dress however you feel comfortable.
We strive to create an environment for worship where people are unified, both members and guests as we focus on God. At our three services starting at 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, and 11:00 AM the music reflects the hymns of our faith and contemporary hymns with lyrics that reflect our reverence to an awesome and Holy God. Our messages are Bible based, creative, and offer practical insights to relevant issues that concern everyone.
Yes, we do! Currently, we observe the Lord’s Supper in all services every couple of months.
We have ministries and activities that cover every age group from birth to 12th grade.
Check our Kids Ministry from birth to 5th grade.
Check our Student Ministry for grades 6th-12th.
Our pastors do not preach on politics, or publicly share their opinions, or tell the congregation what they should or should not think or believe regarding politics. We teach the Bible and encourage others to go by what the Bible says.
We have a Membership Class typically every two months. You will learn more about our church, our history, our ministries, volunteer positions, and how to know you are saved. At the end of the class you will have the opportunity to sign a commitment card to become a member. (Nursery/Toddler Ministry is provided.)
Keep an eye on our Events page to see when the next one is coming up!

Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM